Great for the cubicle dweller, the young myspacer/facebooker, or the constant websurfer- these gifts take advantage of of the power source at your fingertips.
USB cup warmer and chiller

If you need a gift for someone who spends way too much time in their cubicle or office and are not blessed to have their own coffee-fetcher or are just too far from the communal kitchen, then this USB powered device will solve all beverage problems. Great gift that I would have loved in my corporate days. Keeps cold things cold and hot things hot. Chills and warms.
$24.99 at ThinkgeekUSB Basketball hoop

A present for basketball lovers when they need a break from the small screen. Plug into the USB port and play. A gift for the basketball fan or athlete.
$24.99 at perpetualkidUSB George Foreman igrill

For the snacking websurfer, this George Foreman igrill can cook up hamburgers or steaks without a trip to the kitchen. A gag gift for the overworked, perpetually hungry, or just plain lazy computer user.
$99 at thinkgeekUSB Heated slippers

These heated slippers provide cold feet comfort for drafty offices, cold bedrooms, and the winter blues. The perfect gift for the perpetually cold. Gloves are also available.
$25 at usbgeekUSB Desktop Aquarium

Adds a little (in)human touch to the workspace or the desk of an always connected student or teen, the USB Desktop Aquarium is the perfect gift for a coworker, friend, child, or parent.
$9.95 at x-treme geek